Uganda Konfirmasi Temuan Wabah Ebola, Satu Orang Meninggal

6 days ago 11

 Diana Kanzira Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Uganda Ministry of Health, (R) addresses the press on the Ebola outbreak on January 30, 2025 in Kampala, Uganda. The Uganda Health Ministry has confirmed the death of a patient in the capital, Kampala, who tested positive for the Ebola virus. According to officials, the 32-year-old male was a nurse at the main referral hospital in Kampala. The case marks the first recorded fatality since the last Ebola outbreak in Uganda between 2022-2023. (Photo by Hajarah Nalwadda/Getty Images)

Diana Kanzira Atwine, Sekretaris Tetap Kementerian Kesehatan Uganda, (kanan) berbicara kepada pers tentang wabah Ebola di Kampala, Uganda, Kamis (30/1/2025).  

 Diana Kanzira Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Uganda Ministry of Health, (R) addresses the press on the Ebola outbreak on January 30, 2025 in Kampala, Uganda. The Uganda Health Ministry has confirmed the death of a patient in the capital, Kampala, who tested positive for the Ebola virus. According to officials, the 32-year-old male was a nurse at the main referral hospital in Kampala. The case marks the first recorded fatality since the last Ebola outbreak in Uganda between 2022-2023. (Photo by Hajarah Nalwadda/Getty Images)

Kementerian Kesehatan Uganda pada hari Kamis (30/1) telah mengkonfirmasi wabah penyakit virus Ebola di ibu kota Kampala, dan pasien pertama yang dikonfirmasi menderita penyakit itu meninggal pada hari Rabu (29/1).  

 Diana Kanzira Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Uganda Ministry of Health, (R) addresses the press on the Ebola outbreak on January 30, 2025 in Kampala, Uganda. The Uganda Health Ministry has confirmed the death of a patient in the capital, Kampala, who tested positive for the Ebola virus. According to officials, the 32-year-old male was a nurse at the main referral hospital in Kampala. The case marks the first recorded fatality since the last Ebola outbreak in Uganda between 2022-2023. (Photo by Hajarah Nalwadda/Getty Images)

Pasien yang merupakan perawat di RS Rujukan Mulago di ibu kota, awalnya berobat ke berbagai fasilitas, termasuk Mulago setelah mengalami gejala seperti demam.  

 Diana Kanzira Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Uganda Ministry of Health, (R) addresses the press on the Ebola outbreak on January 30, 2025 in Kampala, Uganda. The Uganda Health Ministry has confirmed the death of a patient in the capital, Kampala, who tested positive for the Ebola virus. According to officials, the 32-year-old male was a nurse at the main referral hospital in Kampala. The case marks the first recorded fatality since the last Ebola outbreak in Uganda between 2022-2023. (Photo by Hajarah Nalwadda/Getty Images)

Kementerian mengkonfirmasi berdasarkan sampel post-mortem dari darah korban merupakan penyakit virus Ebola Sudan (strain). Virus itu sangat menular, ditularkan melalui kontak dengan cairan dan jaringan tubuh yang terinfeksi. Gejalanya meliputi sakit kepala, muntah darah, nyeri otot, dan pendarahan.  

 Diana Kanzira Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Uganda Ministry of Health, (R) addresses the press on the Ebola outbreak on January 30, 2025 in Kampala, Uganda. The Uganda Health Ministry has confirmed the death of a patient in the capital, Kampala, who tested positive for the Ebola virus. According to officials, the 32-year-old male was a nurse at the main referral hospital in Kampala. The case marks the first recorded fatality since the last Ebola outbreak in Uganda between 2022-2023. (Photo by Hajarah Nalwadda/Getty Images)

Uganda terakhir kali mengalami wabah ini pada akhir tahun 2022 dan wabah telah dinyatakan berakhir pada 11 Januari 2023, setelah hampir empat bulan berjuang untuk mencegah perebakan luas infeksi virus itu. Wabah terakhir menewaskan 55 dari 143 orang yang terinfeksi. Korban meninggal itu mencakup enam petugas kesehatan.  

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